Just need the PCB & pre-programmed ATtiny84 microcontroller, Then your at the right place! Ah, the inevitable blinking lights. In the early days of computing, the control panels of building-sized computers bristled with literally hundreds of switches and thousands of individual light bulbs. These rows and columns of indicators not only reflected what was happening inside these giant beasts, but they also provided data and diagnostic information to the operators. From the public's perspective, "Das BlinkenLights" were synonymous with high technology. Control panels with indicator bulbs began to make appearances in science fiction movies such as "Destination Moon" in 1950 and then migrated to robots in the 1956 classic film "Forbidden Planet" where the seven foot tall "Robby the Robot" enthralled audiences world-wide. When computers finally shrank to a size (and price) that electronic hobbyists could handle, they brought their blinking lights with them......