Robots in the Ballet
The fun and hassle of robots in a ballet show.
How I Make 3D Printed Parts
Learn my entire process for making 3D parts using free software.
Introducing Children to Robotics and Programming
Examine some ways of making robotics exciting for children.
Experimenting with Walking Robots — A Humanoid Platform
Examine one option for the hardware and sensor requirements for a two-legged walking robot.
A DIY RC Controller and So Much More!
Investigate the power RC control offers to bring your animatronic characters to life.
Twin Tweaks
by Bryce Woolley, Evan Woolley
20/20 Vision for 2020
Seeing our way to adding vision to Double Jeopardy.
Combat Zone
Mammoth vs. Nightmare
Taking on a Nightmare of a robot.
Creating a Phenomena
The story behind my 3 lb Beetleweight.
New Products (05.2019)
bots IN BRIEF (05.2019)
Interesting TidBits From The Robot World.
Flying Cameras are Driving the Evolution of the Imaging Industry
by Bryan Bergeron
Increased pressure from the flying camera market to create new imaging technologies and to improve existing sensor specifications is the driving force in the industry’s evolution.