Animatronics for the Do-It-Yourselfer — Can You Hear Me Now?
Planning the audio systems that surround your aminatronic displays helps create an immersive experience for your viewers.
Interfacing an FPGA PMOD Sensor with the Digilent Arty™ Board Part 2
Interfacing an FPGA PMOD Sensor with the Diligent ARTY board
Bob, the Talking Skull Controlled by Jawduino!
Creating a talking skull using the Jawduino
Drawing with Lights Using a Flashing LED to Draw with Your Scribbler 3
Using the Parallax S3 to draw complex and beautiful images with light.
PITSCO Controller is Teacher’s Choice
For users of the TETRIX® PRIME building system, the new TETRIX PULSE® Robotics Controller is something to get excited about!
The Multi-Rotor Hobbyist
by John Leeman
The Multi-Rotor Hobbyist — Scanse Sweep 3D Scanner Review
Taking the Scanse Sweep 3D Scanner for a test drive
Then and Now
by Tom Carroll
The Mechanics of Robot Building
When it comes down to it, it’s really the mechanical aspect of a robot that separates it from just being a computer with some sensors.
Ask Mr. Roboto
by Eric Ostendorff
Your Robot Problems Solved Here (09.2017)
Hacking an inexpensive D2-1 Smart Car into a “photovore” light chaser, plus using PWM to control motors and wanting to build an R2D2
Combat Zone
InsaniTi: When Overkill is Just Enough — Part 2
The design and build process of my Beetleweight, InsaniTi.
Robot Battles 63 at MomoCon
The results are in for this year’s MoMoCon Robot Battles tournament.
by Bryan Bergeron
Call it AI or linear programming, or inverse kinematics — much of the computational work in robotics is essentially some form of optimization.