MakerPlot Software. Please read all the information on the detail page before ordering.
Attention: Please read all the information below before ordering to receive a Discount on MakerPlot software!
Please visit MAKERPLOT.COM to Purchase the MakerPlot Software at a Discounted Price. Instructions for discount are below:
Discount Code: NVMP092713
1. Logon to
2. Click on the “Buy” menu link
3. Under Single User License, click on “Add to Cart”
4. Enter your country, zip code, and the Nuts&Volts Discount Code
5. Click “Update Cart” - your total should be $54.00
6. Click “Checkout”
7. Enter your First and Last name and valid email address
8. Click on “Complete Free Checkout”
9. Your Invoice and Registration Code will be emailed to you!
With dozens of meters, buttons, switches and text boxes you have full control of the screen interface design and how information is displayed, plotted, logged to files, printed, and more.
Your microcontroller also has the ability to read information directly from the interfaces for interactive measurement, plotting, and control.
The ability to design a customized GUI interface for monitoring your data combined with the ability to program your microcontroller to interface directly and simply with the GUI is a powerful combination for a developer.
It was named MakerPlot for those “Makers” desiring to create simple yet powerful interfaces for their projects and products, either for monitoring data and/or with control actions that affect the GUI and a user's experience with it.
MakerPlot is compatible with most popular microcontrollers that output serial asynchronous data at standard Baud rates in the conventional RS-232 format including serial-to-USB devices like those from FTDI and MicroChip. These include Arduino® shields, PIC®, PicAXE®, Basic Stamp®, Propeller®, BasicX®, Intel, Motorola, TI, et al. And there's no proprietary hardware required.
Click Here to Download Your FREE 30 day MakerPlot Trial Version
This is the full-featured MakerPlot version with the following restrictions:
30 day operational limit on plotting and interface building
3 minute timeout on plot connections - must reconnect after 3 minutes
Click Here For License Information
Click Here For Frequently Asked Questions
Operating Systems
MakerPlot will run on Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10
Macs can use suitable emulation software to run MakerPlot.
The Linux OS is not supported at this time.
Technical Support