Does Inductor Winding Have You Tied in Knots?
Learn the principle behind inductance and discover some tricks to make your own inductors.
Amigo Color BASIC — The Missing Manual
Here’s is additional data to add some zest to your Amigo adventures!
A Digital Analog — Part 5
This is the final installment in a recurring series that looks at the circuits from the book, 555 Timer IC Circuits by Forrest Mims, to see when a PIC can replace a 555.
Get ASCII Data from PS-2 Keyboards
Convert PS-2 keyboards so they can produce ASCII values.
Practical Ideas for Portable Magnetic Loop Antennas
A simple setup for a magnetic loop antenna.
Build A MIDI Lyre
MIDI-enable a lyre to create a simple elegant instrument that anyone can play.
Build Your Own Funky STEAMPUNK Display
Using 1” high seven-segment electromechanical displays (EMDs) in projects.
Build A USB Cable Continuity Test Jig
Build a simple test jig that will make it easier for you to quickly check the continuity of a four-conductor USB cable.
by Kristen McIntyre
Reader Questions Answered Here (07.2018)
Questions involving high voltage at a low cost; and N, P, or what?
The Ham’s Wireless Workbench
by H. Ward Silver
Filter Basics: Stop, Block, and Roll(off)
A discussion on filter basics to give you a better understanding of how filters behave and are specified.
The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Think you can’t code in C because your first language is BASIC? Well, you are dead wrong.
by Jeff Eckert
Events, Advances, and News (07.2018)
Information on current events, advances, and news in various technology fields.
Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
Killer Wi-Fi Now Available
An update on Wi-Fi: A closer look at the latest version, a summary of the problems, and a look at what’s in store for you.
Near Space
by L. Paul Verhage
Raspberry Pi Zero Flight Computer — Part 2
Exploring the Raspberry Pi as a flight computer for BalloonSat missions — Part 2.
Electronics as a Portal to Other Hobbies
by Bryan Bergeron
The electronics portal leads to many potential adventures.