Rebuilding a Tektronix THS7X0 Portable Oscilloscope Battery Pack
One of the best portable devices on the electronics bench over the last two decades is the Tektronix THS700 series. Here’s how I was able to replace the dead batteries in my oscilloscope at minimal expense.
The Arduino Graphics Interface — Part 1
See how to turn an Arduino Due and a leftover analog oscilloscope into a high resolution computer graphics display.
Light Bulbs, LEDs, and Circuit Junctions
Take a look at some specific electrical properties of both light bulbs and LEDs, and use them to discuss junctions in DC circuits
Replacing The 555 With A PIC — Part 4 — A Digital Analog
This installment in a recurring series examines the more complex circuits from the book, 555 Timer IC Circuits by Forrest Mims, which are variations on audio oscillators.
Build the IoT Sump Pump (or Pretty Much Anything IoT)
My goal for this project was to design a device that will monitor the sump pump water level in my basement and text me if the water level gets too high.
Near Space
by L. Paul Verhage
Total Solar Eclipse Near Space Flight Results — Part 2
More data discovered from the August 2017 Solar Eclipse.
The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Smartphone App Programming for Remote Control
There’s almost nothing you can’t do with a smartphone. However, if you want to cook up something special for yourself using your iPhone or Android device, it’s advantageous to have tools that help you get your arms around smartphone app programming.
by Kristen McIntyre
Reader Questions Answered Here (02.2018)
Questions about neutering the spray of a hand mixer gone wild and making a better baby monitor.
Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
Connected Cars are Coming
In the coming years, we will be seeing new wireless systems incorporated into every vehicle for improving safety and for aiding in the implementation of self-driving cars.
Electronics Padawans
by Bryan Bergeron
Whether you’re a Padawan or helping one along on their journey toward the mastery of electronics, may the EMF be with you.