New Book! - Shipping Mid-January - Order Now For Presale Pricing!
Vintage consumer electronics - especially audio electronics - has come of age.
Even those without an extensive background in electronics can appreciate the skill, ingenuity, and raw hours of labor devoted to extracting maximum value from the simplest, most elegant vintage designs.
Armed with this book, your grandparents’ old tube-type receiver needn’t lay fallow in the basement. This book takes the reader through over a dozen projects, from a simple AM/FM tabletop receiver to a sophisticated reel-to-reel tape recorder/player. If you can read component values and handle a soldering iron and small hand tools, then you’re all set to go.
The book is 222 pages and in an 8-1/2" x 11" format.
Author Bryan Bergeron has spent over five decades studying, working with, and writing about electronics. He has worked as a scientist for the DoD, as an assistant to the CIA, as a faculty member of both MIT and Harvard Medical School, and as chief scientist for several technology startups. He is the author of over 2,000 articles, 1,000 illustrations and photos, nearly 30 books, and a dozen patents. His editorials and technical articles have appeared for decades in SERVO and Nuts & Volts Magazines, and he has served as editor-in-chief of both magazines for over 15 years.