Get up and running as a ham radio operator—or just listen in on the shortwave bands!
Ham and Shortwave Radio for the Electronics Hobbyist shows
you, step by step, how to set up and operate your own ham radio
station. It’s also perfect for those interested in shortwave listening,
without getting a ham radio license. This practical guide covers
communications modes, assigned frequency ranges in the United States,
details on fixed, mobile, and portable ham stations, antennas, and much
more. Ham radio will work even when the Internet and other utilities
fail. So get on the air and keep the lines of communication open in any
Inside, you’ll find out all about:
- Radio waves and how they travel
- Shortwave and allwave listening
- Communications modes for ham radio operators, including using the Internet as a supplement
- Ham radio licenses and assigned frequency ranges (bands) used in the United States
- Wave-propagation characteristics and tips on the bands best
suited for use at different times of the day, year, and sunspot cycle
- Selecting and installing equipment for fixed ham radio stations
- Setting up mobile and portable ham radio stations
- Antennas and transmission lines for various frequencies and station types
- How to operate your station using popular voice and digital modes
- Schematic symbols and Q signals for ham radio operators
Table of contents
CH 1 How Radio Works
CH 2 Allwave Listening
CH 3 Ham Radio Communications Modes
CH 4 Ham Radio Frequency Bands
CH 5 Fixed Stations
CH 6 Mobile Stations
CH 7 Portable Stations
CH 8 Basic Antenna Systems
CH 9 Operating Your Radio
A Q Signals for Digital Modes
B RST System for Signal Reporting