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This wickedly inventive guide explains how to design and build 15 fiendishly fun electronics projects. Filled with photos and illustrations, 15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius includes step-by-step directions, as well as a construction primer for those who are new to electronics projects.
Using easy-to-find components and equipment, this do-it-yourself book shows you how to create a variety of mischievous gadgets, such as a remote-controlled laser, motorized multicolored LEDs that write in the air, and a surveillance robot. You'll also learn to use the highly popular Arduino microcontroller board with three of the projects.
15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius:
- Features step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations
- Covers essential safety measures
- Reveals the scientific principles behind the projects
- Removes the frustration factor--all required parts are listed, along with sources
Build these devious devices to amaze your friends and confound your enemies!
- Coil gun
- Trebuchet
- Ping pong ball minigun
- Mini laser turret
- Balloon-popping laser gun
- Touch-activated laser sight
- Laser-grid intruder alarm
- Persistence-of-vision display
- Covert radio bug
- Laser voice transmitter
- Flash bomb
- High-brightness LED strobe
- Levitation machine
- Snailbot
- Surveillance robot
Table of contents
Chapter 1 Coil Gun
Chapter 2 Trebuchet
Chapter 3 Ping Pong Ball Minigun
Chapter 4 Mini Laser Turret
Chapter 5 Balloon-popping Laser Gun
Chapter 6 Touch Activated Laser Sight
Chapter 7 Laser-grid Intruder Alarm
Chapter 8 Persistence of Vision Display
Chapter 9 Covert Radio Bug
Chapter 10 Laser Voice Transmitter
Chapter 11 Flash Bomb
Chapter 12 High Brightness LED Strobe
Chapter 13 Levitation Machine
Chapter 14 Light Seeking Microbot
Chapter 15 Surveillance Robot
Appendix A Electronics Construction Primer
Biographical note
Dr. Simon Monk has a degree in Cybernetics and Computer Science and a PhD in Software Engineering. He spent several years as an academic before he returned to industry, co-founding the mobile software company Momote Ltd. He has been an active electronics hobbyist since his early teens and is an occasional author in hobby electronics magazines. Simon is author of 30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius.