The Basic Atom is a Microchip PIC Microcontroller with a custom self programming bootloader installed.
The Atom BASIC compiler is a real compiler not an interpreter and is free to download. The Atom BASIC compiler offers all the features of the PIC16F876A and PIC16F877A thru simple embedded BASIC commands.
Many times faster than a Parallax Basic Stamp and a great first step to the world of Embedded BASIC programming. You can program modules or just the individual chip.
Through his unique way of making the complicated understandable, Chuck takes the reader through the inner workings of the Basic Atom by explaining the Microchip PIC Microcontroller and its roll in the Atom module. From there Chuck explains the various PIC based Basic Atom modules and how to use the Basic Atom compiler. Chuck then delivers 13 projects the reader can build and learn from. The reader can then use this knowledge to develop their own Basic Atom projects.
* Explains the inner workings of the Basic Atom
* Details how to use the Basic Atom Compiler
* Each project includes a full hardware and software description
* Projects include driving and LED, relay or LCD
* Projects demonstrate using the internal timers and interrupts
* Projects show how to implement PC to Atom communication
* Direct access to input/output and internal registers is explained